Mandatory Credit: Photo by John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock (13479701f) The New York Yankees and Houston Astros are introduced before the start of game one of their American League Championship Series at Minute Maid Park in Houston on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Alcs Yankees Astros, Houston, Texas, United States – 19 Oct 2022
LIVE UPDATES: Yankees at Astros ALCS Game 2
Gallery Sports brings you live updates of the ALCS Game 2 matchup between the New York Yankees and the Houston Astros from Minute Maid Park in Houston.
Game 2 pitching matchup:
NYY Luis Severino (7-3, 3.18 ERA) vs HOU Framber Valdez (17-6, 2.82 ERA)
Starting lineups:
Yankees Astros
H. Bader (.250 5 30) J. Altuve (.300 28 57)
A. Judge (.311 62 131) J. Pena (.253 22 63)
G. Stanton (.211 31 78) Y. Alvarez (.306 37 97)
A. Rizzo (.224 32 75) A. Bregman (.259 23 93)
G. Torres (.257 24 76) K. Tucker (.257 30 107)
J. Donaldson (.222 15 62) Y. Gurriel (.242 8 53)
K. Higashioka (.227 10 31) A. Diaz (.243 12 38)
O. Peraza (.306 1 2) C. McCormick (.245 14 44)
O. Cabrera (.247 6 19) M. Maldonado (.186 15 45)
Top 1:
Bader grounds out to third. 1 out.
Judge flies out on a hard-hit ball to deep center field. 2 outs.
Stanton grounds out to second on a chopping ground ball over the second base bag. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 0-0
Framber Valdez works a 1-2-3 inning against the Yankees’ new batting order.
Bottom 1:
Altuve grounds out to shortstop as Oswald Peraza makes a sliding stop. 1 out.
Pena strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Alvarez strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 0-0
Severino showing the gas early in this one with an upper-90s fastball.
Top 2:
Rizzo grounds out to first. 1 out.
Torres flies out to right after a deep fly ball to the warning track in right-center field. 2. outs.
Donaldson doubles down the right field line. Runner on 2nd, 2 outs.
Higashioka strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 1 hit. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 0-0
Bottom 2:
Bregman flies out to shallow right field. 1 out.
Tucker walks on a full count. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Gurriel singles to left field past the diving Peraza. Runners on 1st and 2nd, 1 out.
Diaz strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Higashioka attempts to pick off Gurriel at first base, however, unsuccessful.
McCormick pops out to the pitcher in front of home plate. 3 outs.
0 runs. 1 hit. 0 errors. 2 runners left on. 0-0
Top 3:
Peraza flies out to center field. 1 out.
Cabrera grounds out to second into the shift. 2 outs.
Bader strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 0-0
Bottom 3:
Maldonado gets hit by a pitch on an 0-2 count. Runner on 1st, 0 outs.
Altuve strikes out swinging. 1 out.
Pena singles to center. Maldonado advances to second. Runners on 1st and 2nd. 1 out.
Alvarez grounds into a fielder’s choice to 1st. Rizzo gets the out at 2nd base. Alvarez safe at 1st. Runners on 1st and 3rd, 2 outs.
Bregman homers to left (360 ft.) 3-0 Astros.
Tucker flies out to left. 3 outs.
3 runs. 2 hits. 0 errors. 3-0 Astros.
Bregman hits one into the Crawford boxes giving the Stros a 3-0 lead.
Top 4:
Judge singles to left past the diving Bregman. Runner on 1st, 0 outs.
Stanton chops one to the pitcher. Valdez bobbles and makes a throwing error to 1st base allowing Stanton to advance to 2nd. Runners on 2nd and 3rd, 0 outs.
Rizzo grounds out to 1st. Judge scores. Stanton to 3rd. Runner on 3rd, 1 out. 3-1 Astros.
Torres hits an infield single deep in the hole at shortstop. Stanton scores. Runner on 1st, 1 out. 3-2 Astros.
Donaldson strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Higashioka strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
2 runs. 2 hits. 1 error. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Yankees answer right back and put up two of their own on Valdez. 3-2 Astros.
Bottom 4:
Gurriel grounds out to second. 1 out.
Diaz pops out to shortstop. 2 outs.
McCormick strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 3-2 Astros.
Top 5:
Peraza strikes out swinging. 1 out.
Cabrera grounds out to the pitcher on a squib down the first base line. 2 outs.
Bader singles to right field. Runner on 1st, 2 outs.
Judge flies out to left field. 3 outs.
0 runs. 1 hit. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Bottom 5:
Maldonado singles to left field. Runner on 1st, 0 outs.
Altuve pops out to shortstop. 1 out.
Pena flies out to center field. Hurling wind kept it down. 2 outs.
Alvarez strikes out swinging on a 99-mph fastball above the zone. 3 outs.
0 runs. 1 hit. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Top 6:
Stanton grounds out to second. 1 out.
Rizzo strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Torres grounds out to shortstop. Hard hit ground ball bounces off Bregman’s glove directly to Pena. Pena fires to first. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 3-2 Astros.
Bottom 6:
Bregman pops out to shortstop. 1 out.
Tucker lines a base hit to right field. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Jonathan Loaisiga replaces Luis Severino for NYY.
Severino’s final line: 5.1 IP, 3 ER, 5 Hits, 6 Ks, 1 BB
Gurriel singles to left field. Runners on 1st and 2nd, 1 out.
Diaz grounds into a 5-4-3 double play. 3 outs.
0 runs. 2 hits. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Top 7:
Donaldson strikes out swinging. 1 out.
Higashioka strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Peraza strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 3-2 Astros.
Bottom 7:
McCormick grounds out to shortstop. Broken bat slow ground ball fielded by Peraza. 1 out.
Maldonado walks. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Altuve grounds into a 4-6-3 double play. Torres with an incredible pick and flip to Peraza. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 3-2 Astros.
Top 8:
Bryan Abreu replaces Framber Valdez for HOU.
Valdez’s final line: 7.0 IP, 2 R, 4 Hits, 9 Ks, 0 BBs
Cabrera flies out to center. 1 out.
Bader walks. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Judge flies out to right field as Tucker pulls it down against the wall. Bader tags to 2nd base. Runner on 2nd, 2 outs.
Stanton strikes out looking. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Bottom 8:
Pena grounds out to third. 1 out.
Wandy Peralta replaces Jonathan Loaisiga for NYY.
Loaisiga’s final line: 2.0 IP, 0 ERs, 1 Hit, 0 Ks, 1 BB
Alvarez singles to center field. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Peralta attempts to pickoff Alvarez at first base. NYY challenges the safe call. NYY wins the challenge. Alvarez called out at first base. 2 outs.
Bregman singles to left center field. Runner on 1st, 2 outs.
Tucker fouls out to the catcher. Higashioka and Rizzo collide up the first base line, however, Higashioka comes up with the ball. 3 outs.
0 runs. 2 hits. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. 3-2 Astros.
Peralta’s final line: 0.2 IP, 0 ER, 2 Hits, 0 Ks, 0 BBs
Top 9:
Ryan Pressly replaces Bryan Abreu for HOU.
Abreu’s final line: 1.0 IP, 0 ERs, 0 Hits, 1 K, 1 BB
Rizzo strikes out swinging. 1 out.
Torres strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Donaldson walks on a full count. Runner on 1st, 2 outs.
Tim Locastro pinch runs for Josh Donaldson.
Matt Carpenter pinch hitting for Kyle Higashioka.
Carpenter strikes out swinging. 3 outs.
0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. 1 runner left on. Astros win 3-2.
Pressly’s final line: 1.0 IP, 0 ER, 0 Hits, 3 Ks, 1 BB
Houston takes a 2-0 series lead over New York in the ALCS.
Winning Pitcher: Framber Valdez
Losing Pitcher: Luis Severino
Save: Ryan Pressly
Game 3 is Saturday October 22nd in New York. First pitch 4:07 CT